The newest helper in my home is.......
You're not going to believe it.......
The meanderings of a homeschooling, stay at home and professional trumpet playing mom of 3 kiddos!
Jeremiah 29:11 (New Living Translation)
11 For I know the plans I have
for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."See, there you go! He's got it covered!
"They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness. The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LORD is good toWell, the emphasis is mine....I could use to work on that one!
all: and his tender mercies are over all his works." (Psalm 145:7-9)
Well, I know this thought goes into direct opposition to my previous post, but I have to admit it discourages me. So, am I the only one? If so, how is it that I can't keep up and everyone else can? Just some thoughts I had for this evening....Am I the only one in the town that is struggling just to keep up with the dishes and the laundry and the children? Forget about, organizing, gardening, oh and did I mention I'M A MUSICIAN!!!! What is wrong with me?
Well, that's my Emma there in the yellow boat, having a great time, not worried that the timer on her boat set for five minutes will be going off soon. She's just enjoying the moment, the time that she has in the now. Hm. I'm having trouble grasping that today. I'm running behind. I wanted to get through science this morning with Anne, it didn't happen. Now mind you we did Spelling, Math, Handwriting, Art, oh and pre-school for Emma, but I found myself frustrated a moment ago because we aren't where I wanted to be right now. Well, then I read these words of Job.
Job 7 1-6
"Human life is a struggle, isn't it? It's a life sentence to hard labor.Like field hands longing for quitting time and working stiffs with nothing to hope for but payday,I'm given a life that meanders and goes nowhere— months of aimlessness, nights of misery!I go to bed and think, 'How long till I can get up?' I toss and turn as the night drags on—and I'm fed up!I'm covered with maggots and scabs. My skin gets scaly and hard, then oozes with pus.My days come and go swifter than the click of knitting needles, and then the yarn runs out—an unfinished life!
Well, haven't we all thought that, maybe minus the maggots, but the feeling of the struggle, the days going by to quickly, the "yarn" running out. ( I like how the Message Bible puts it). Why? I'm wondering why. Why do I not enjoy the time I'm in? Rather I think about what I did not do, all there is still to do, how I don't really want to do it anyhow! So, I'm going to try to choose to think a little bit differently. Does that mean I ignore all I have to do. NO! But, I'll try to stop comparing how my family does things, what we've accomplished, how decluttered everything is, to everyone else. I'll try to sit peacefully in the time that God has given me and those around me to learn and enjoy. Hears to trying a new idea!
Well, we've finished our first week of homeschooling and this week Anne Marie started Life Science. I had to share with you the books we are using. Anne has immediately taken an interest in science with these texts and I'm enjoying it as well. They are entitled God's Design for Life put out by Answers in Genesis. You can find them here:,5968,193.aspx
I have started the year by using the first text on Plants. We also have the worksheet and test booklet that you can get with it and that makes for some fun activities to go with the reading. It is set up to be used by grades1 -8, and they have done a great job at that aspect of the book. It is so refreshing to learn all the aspects of life science through the eyes of a creationist, rather than an evolutionist. The books even address what differences there may be between the two theories. Hm, what an idea, right? Anyhow, I was excited about this, and Anne is excited about this, and so I thought you all might be interested too! Later!
Well, by now it's about 2 and I can now try to have a moment to myself and fit in all of the cleaning, laundry, dinner, packing for the evening events, etc. I'll keep you posted on how it all goes, and if it seems to keep running smoothly or not! : )