Well, it has been a while I know. Things have been busy, I have been have problems physically, and schooling, trumpeting and children have taken all the energy I have! Phew. Anyhow, I thought I would share with you the up and coming for the Weldon family. Travelling.....not all together....but travelling. Well, October brings a two week trip to Minnesota for my husband who is attending Bethel Seminary. He goes out to take intensive courses 2 times a year, making for a very....very....looooonnnng two weeks around here. So, to break it up a bit the girls, my mom and I are going for a few days to Kentucky to the creation museum. It is a wonderful museum in my opinion and I'm hoping that my mom enjoys it as well. It should offer a nice break and a great experience for all of us.
That's it for now. School has been going well. I'll try to update on that soon. We have been doing a character study on responsibility and for several weeks we have been doing this through the lives of the early settlers. This week is the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam...we are going to try out making our own homemade cottage cheese as one of the activities...which was apparently a dutch dish....I'll let you know how it goes!